How about wallpaper on the ceiling? All of this back and forth about wall art made me realize that I've been putting off finishing one of the most important walls in my house -- the entry way ceiling. My foyer is kind of bland, and for the tacky hearted (like moi), that just ain't gonna cut it. So I've been cruising some of my favorite wallpaper sites, and I've put together a few selections that might do the trick. But first, a little inspiration:

Lisa Bengtsson is a super cute graphic designer who also creates wallpaper patterns (among them is this paper, one of most featured of the year). The floral paper in the picture is custom, but I think you could have it made in different dimensions, or maybe even stencil some designs in a similar configuration.
For a more allover look, I like this Cole and Son wallpaper:

Cole and Son's Malabar wallpaper holds court on the ceiling of a cheeky Bel Air home. Photo courtesy of the inimitable Walnut Wallpaper.
And I like that wallpaper can be used to define unique spaces:

This nifty nook seen at pointclickhome is saved from blandom by a creative application of wallpaper in the stairwell.
The key to making it work seems to be keeping the pattern graphic but simple, in limited colors, and choosing something that will work overhead, i.e., no toiles that imitate natural scenes (unless you often lay on the floor to view the ceiling... and hey, I'm not gonna judge).
Without further ado, my personal favorites for your viewing pleasure:

All of the above are selections from Flavor Paper. I definitely have a soft spot for psychedelic prints, and I'm currently leaning toward black and white to keep it simple, although GOLD is always an inspired choice. The neon yellow lace is just for fun, even though I think it would rock Karly's house.
Next a sampling from Erica Wakerly's wallcoverings line, first seen over at Erin Loechner's loverly blog Design For Mankind:

I kind of want to do my ceiling black because my walls are so pale that a little extra drama seems warranted, but I don't want the hall to look like an Oreo cookie... I think the gold and black Angles could be fantastic, although I wish I had an all white house so I could do that hot orange number. Delish.
And finally, OG playaz Cole and Son have about 6 gajillion wallpaper patters, so finding a few stunners was easy:

(pictures via Select Wallpaper)
The Malachite pattern on the top left by Italian designer Fornasetti is pretty amazing, but I'm not sure the scale will work... I wish there was an awesome wallpaper store here in Austin where I could look at and touch the actual papers. Hint, hint, fashionable Austin businessites!
Ok, here's my silly little hallway. Sorry in advance for the bad picture... new digital camera is on its way!

Yes, my baby was built in the 60's and it shows. Don't worry... those creepy miniblinds are OUT as soon as I choose a door color (shhhhh! don't tell my Hunny Bunny. He's one of those wrong people that believe you should never paint woodwork. As if! And yes, I want to paint the other woodwork, too.) So what do you think? Can you see some uber dramatic wallpaper on the ceiling?
Or should I go all Wary Meyers on it:

I could use the pendant light as the focal point instead of a peeophole (which I do not have). I might even get crazy and continue down some of the walls...
So, what do you guys think? Am I already in over my head with a crazy red dining room, a super 60's diamond cut out door, a weirdo brick floor, and a funky post and lintel archway, or should I just keep on going?