So it's 9:30 on Monday night and I've just gotten off the plane from my trip to Albuquerque, where I got to check out more than a few awesome Bart Price houses (alas, still not from inside). Congratulations to both Sherri and Freshly Found for their laser-like accuracy in Friday's where in the world contest, you made my decision tricky so you will both win bracelets from Naughty Secretary Club. Hooray!!
Anyhoodle, as I mentioned, I'm fresh off the plane and have just returned to my computer after 4 days of work-free-best-friend's-wedding-bliss. Despite my begrudging return to the real world, all is not so bad as my inbox included brand new pics of the newest Birds Barbershop taken by our own Ms. Erin.

You may remember that Erin took these pics of Birds on East Sixth just a couple of months ago. The newest shop has a 3D mural created by local party planner extraordinaire and all-around badass, Luther Himes. Psst... remember those 3D party pics I posted last week? See, it's all coming together, right?

My favorite part of the shop is the 35 foot long wall with the black and metallic silver chevron stripe. I had originally suggested a wide, angled stripe, then Joel Mozersky suggested we make it a chevron while at lunch one day. I gave the design to our painter who then suggested that we put it at an angle. So, it was a 3-way collaboration. Yay! Collaborative success!
Oh, unfortunately, at the last minute they had to put that ugly AC in. But at least it's nice and cozy in there now.

That AC is a godsend since every other wall is a floor-to-ceiling window.

Did I mention the Free Skill Crane?

And the free Lone Star?

I love the back shampoo room, these chairs sit across from the big chevron wall. The black high-gloss stripes running up the wall were a quick solution (suggested by yours truly) when no back splash had been planned for the sink, those shampoo bottles get messy too, so the wall directly behind them needed to be protected as well.

I found this light on ebay, it is my one true love

I also designed these 3D glasses, they're mighty special from the front as well, guess you're going to have to stop by the shop to see them. For those of you in Austin, it's at 1902 South Congress, Just north of Magnolia Cafe. You can also visit their site (designed by lil ole me) HERE