Ok, I think I've finally gotten enough sleep to ably recount the awesomeness of this past weekend, which Karly and I enjoyed with blog buddies Molly and Raina. We spent much of the trip shop shop shopping, with a healthy dose of boozing and shooting added in.

Molly and Raina, looking all cute and sassy at Opal Divine's downtown location.
The ladies arrived late Thursday night and shacked up with Karly, since baby Ike makes me go to bed freakishly early. On Friday, we kicked off the day with Mexican martinis at Austin chain Trudy's... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Delicious. Then, we couldn't let our friends leave Austin without visiting paint guru Sanders, so off to Benjamin Moore we went. After our paint powwow, we headed to South Congress to satiate the shopping bug, where we indulged in a day of vintage. Uncommon Objects took most of our time there with its elephantine selection of curiosities, but we also visited Prototype, New Bohemia and Feathers, all run by lovely Austin bizness women.

Image courtesy of Uncommon Objects.
Then we headed across the river with baby Ike in tow, to Threshold Interiors -- which I actually did not set foot in since the Ikester decided it was time to fuel up. But it sure looked pretty from the windows.

Image courtesy of Threshold Interiors.
I'll definitely be back someday, hopefully to nab that little gnome for the baby's room.
After Threshold, Ike cried all the way back across the river until he got home to nap. Later that evening, we all headed over to Karly's for an evening of steak and booze. Well, everyone boozed except for House of Slappy blogger Andrea, who's due to provide Ike with a brand spanking new playmate in February.
On Saturday, we rose at the crack of noon to do some thrifting, then headed towards the skeet shooting range out in the rural wilds of east Austin. That's right -- us lady bloggers pack heat.

And if you mess with us, Karly will bust a cap in your ass.
I'm not sure how we ended up skeet shooting, but when in Texas, right? I can't wait for my dad to see this, because he is gonna LAUGH HIS ASS OFF. He's been trying to get me to shoot something for the last 33 years (yes, I was born with a pistol in my tiny baby hand).

Well, here I am, Dad, doing my best Annie Oakley Calamity Jane impression. Actually, he'll be proud to know that I hit my very first target our instructor let fly. Not only that, but after shooting several clay pigeons, I had the strange urge to shoot anything that moved... including butterflies that fluttered by. Maybe I best avoid the gunslinging lifestyle.

Although I did respectably well, I would never engage in a gunfight with Raina. LADY HAS MAD SKILLS. Like, scary good. Stay out of her way, mean people.

Have I mentioned yet that we are the very best dressed skeet shooters in Texas? This is Molly, hitting targets in four inch heels. In case you were wondering, no one really noticed when we walked onto the shooting range. Ok. We got a few looks.

Because we are badasses, that's why.
After getting our redneck on, the ladies went out to shop downtown. Ligne Roset had Raina rolling around on Togos like a wild pony in hay. Sadly, no footage of this exists -- it's a travesty that can only be corrected by another visit. In the meantime, enjoy this stock photo of the store:

In addition to Ligne Roset, the ladies hit Mercury Design Studio:

They have a gorgeous store with stunning merchandise, but they obviously need to hire me to shoot it (with a camera, not a shotgun), since they don't have any pictures on their website and I had to steal this old image from the internets.
After shopping, we dined downtown. I headed home early like a good mommy, but Karly and the girls went out clubbing. I can't really provide any details, but I hear that men in underwear were involved. I think Raina has further information for those of you with inquiring minds.
Molly flew out the next afternoon, but Raina's flight didn't leave until the evening, so we hit Room Service, where I found this guy waiting for me:

I may be watching too much Deadwood... nah. That's impossible.
After tacos from Torchy's (don't get the turkey special, Austinites!) and some family time around the tv, it was time for Raina to board her plane. Karly and I were both sad to see our guests go, but we already have plans to visit New York and Denver. Thank Jeebus our buds have good taste in places to call home... not sure we'd be so ready to set out for North Dakota. Just kidding North Dakotans. And just kidding, Molly and Raina. We'd be happy to hang with you anywhere!