G'morning! I'm back from Vegas and with zero trips planned between now and bambino arrival it's time to move full speed ahead on kiddo decor. I've acquired most of the items needed to create the world's most precious and heartwarming nursery, now I just need to give everything a spit-shine and drop it in place. Ok, easier said than done.
My biggest project? Curtains. I got the brilliant idea to use drop-clothes as curtains from the always inspiring AB Chao. As soon as I saw her post I knew I wanted to cover the window wall floor-to-ceiling with some fab chunky drapes. I ordered bleached white drop clothes online* but decided that bleached white wasn't quite awesome enough for, what is sure to be, the world's most radical baby.
I've decided to paint on my pristine white drapes.

I had a few ideas for prints and patterns but none quite worked (the yellow raindrops were quickly nixed when I considered the allusion to golden showers). A panicked email to blog BFF Raina quickly subsided my woes when she suggested I emulate the work of scribble genius Cy Twombly.

I relayed Raina's suggestion to Erin who instantly agreed and reminded me of this Kelly Wearstler entryway. This is about the time when my heart started beating out of my chest and I knew the curtains had to be made.

Again, this is an inspiration post, so, no curtains today (they just arrived at my house yesterday and painting should commence this weekend). BUT! Look at the awesome interior shot above which I found ages ago on Designalogue and have been fantasizing about ever since. I will be channeling this heavy handed painting while wielding my brush-sword this weekend.

Proving herself to be the fountain of pure link magic and knowledge that I knew her to be, Erin also sent me this link via Eye Spy which continues to confirm that Raina's scribble idea is great and good.

Once I got the scribble bug, I started to see scribbles everywhere. Yesterday's post on Desire to Inspire conjured up scribble images when the cord of this lamp formed a lovely 3 dimensional scribble. Maybe, just maybe, I'll emulate the cord drape in the little dude's room for the sake of repetition. Or not. I promise to draw the line just before overkill.

For the ultimate 3D scribble I bow my humble head to the appropriately named Scribble lamp by Thout. I will be conjuring it's warm glow as I take paint to canvas this weekend. Wish me via con Dios and, with some luck and all that via con Diosing I will hopefully be showing you some yellow and white scribble curtains next Tuesday.
*If you're wanting to do drop cloth curtains and you want them to be bleach white, skip home depot and lowes, theirs are canvas color and no amount of bleach on the planet is making them white. Believe me, I've tried. Buy these instead. You're welcome.