I have a confession to make... last night I started working on a totally different post but got a tiny bit sidetracked by 1stDibs, and after ogling 29 pages (no hyperbole necessary) of end tables, somewhere around midnight my glassy bloodshot eyes and I realized that a state of feverish, red alert addiction had come upon us me. Great, like I don't have enough vices already (I'm talking to you, Craigslist!). Well, now I am also hooked on insanely expensive, completely unattainable vintage furniture.
But, wait... just a little taste won't hurt, right?

(All photos in today's post are courtesy of 1stDibs)
What's that? You didn't realize until this very moment that you want some Moroccan spice in your life and Harvey Probber is just the man to give it to you? That trapezoids are FRESH and AWESWOME! That a gorgeously patinated two-tiered brass table by LaVerne is what you've been yearning for? That you NEED those 30's goatskin concave tables, because they are JUST like the ones Karl Lagerfeld used to decorate his apartment???
Yeah, I told you so. Oh, but people, this is just the teeny tip of the iceberg. Read on.

How about some wee triangles for a scaled down space, or some snaky black 70's resin for a little disco decadence? Maybe parchment and wrought iron gets you off, and you know you feel an urgent need to get a little French Maison Bagues Foux da fa fa, don't you?
Uh, excuse me. Moving on. Yes, there's still more, because 1stDibs defies all expectations. I swear even Target has fewer items for sale -- it just keeps going and going, page after glorious page, and once you start looking, you can't just stop. Friends, no one likes a quitter. It was exceedingly difficult to whittle down all of their amazing end tables to just a handful of personal favorites, but for you I set my teeth and did the deed.

Ok, so that's an handful... there's still another hand left, but what do you think? Those are some sexy red industrial tables, aren't they? What about the very urbane Milo Baughman zig zag tables? Or who knew that yellow lacquer could make such a statement? (I am stealing that idea, for sure!) And does the $6,800 price tag on that pair of brass wedge-shaped Tommi Parzinger tables make me want them even more?
I think it does. I feel so dirty, but I can't stop now.

Hey there, hot little red drum tables with brass bottoms! That orangey red is my color crush of the moment... it really does go with everything. And those white tulip/box tables designed by architect Paul Williams are from Beverly Hills circa 1950 -- so glam, but not fussy. No fussy for me. Chesty end tables are always a practical option for all the junk you can put in the trunk, but both of those pairs get a shot of major moxie from their shiny surfaces. The vintage Sarreid brass pieces are among my most drooled over furniture finds; I just love brass studs!
Ok, two more favorite favorites... can you see how this has become a problem for me?

So, yes, those are two big golden balls, but they are SPECTACULAR! I just know DH can duplicate them for me with his new manly table saw...

Ok, this is my other top choice. What do you think??? Half as sexy but twice as chic? I think a little industrial edge would go a long way towards alleviating the bad case of Grandma Regency I've contracted through excessive thrift store shopping. Actually, it might take more than just an end table or two to counteract GR's ill effects...
If you need me tonight, you know where I'll be.