The latest issue of Vogue Living Australia proclaimed that "farmers will become the new elite." My knee jerk reaction was adverse, which is a sure fire sign that a trend is-a-comin (oh, yes, all you Wearstler Bravura Modernism haters, mark my words, you will love it soon enough). I also just think that I didn't like the word elite. Not to sound like a jerk.
Once I thought about it, I realized, that, yes, of course! Farming and all things rural are about to be SO HOT. Here's my list of why it's about to rule with an intermittent slideshow. Enjoy:
1. I hate the thought of it. A trend is never born from something you live indifferent to for years then suddenly MUST HAVE ALL THE TIME. No, a trend is generally something that you've hated for a while but are suddenly able to see in a new light. One extreme begets another.

(scanned from vogue living australia)
2. We've been chasing around all things tribal and ethnic for the last 4 years, as much as I hate to see this day come, it just may be time to move on. We need the exact opposite (another trend pre-req) you can't get further away from tribal beading then with a good old fashioned milk-maid icon.

Farm, by Studio Job
3. Part of what we loved about the tribal / ethnic thing was the handmade nature of the trend, with the economy in shambles, the environment going to hell in a hand-basket and an increased awareness of our food's history, the idea of sourcing your own food / clothing / furniture is only going to become more desirable. Voila: farming is la perfect next big thing.

City Farm by Etsy user Soop
4. One word: Grunge. You know it, I know it, we all knew it 15 years ago. Grunge has died, Grunge has risen, Grunge will come again. Those plaids will fall in line with the whole farm thing all too well. And you know what the grunge kids love? matching.

various designers from NY fashion week fall '08
5. No one can afford to travel anymore, we need to make staying home and driving biking through the countryside look cool, or, even better: ironic.

Indigo Farm Pop Up Shop at Fred Segal Man in Santa Monica
6. I really can't wait to see an over-reaching hipster in overalls.

tattooed pig at Artfarm
7. Do you see how many of these companies even use farm in their name or for their line? I guess everyone is sick of studio and salon. I'm down with that.

The Farm Life Display by Veuve Cliequot at Maison et Objet
8. All these dang flags that keep popping up everywhere are just adding fuel to the barn fire:

Paul Costello Photography
9. Do you see how smug and excited people get when they've brought their own bags to the grocery store and they spot some looser with plastic? Now, imagine that person gets to shop green at EVERY KIND OF STORE. Green is here to stay.
(don't get me wrong, I think it's a good thing, but I can live without the condescension)
Now, every trend has it's limits and I'm certainly not suggesting that we run buck wild through the pastures buying up every wooden goose in a bonnet we can get our hands on. May God strike me down if I ever so much as contemplate a country kitchen motif. Alls I'm sayin is, you may want to buy a flannel and toss a couple of milk jugs up on your window sill.