Thank you! Thank You Pillow Mint for the award you've bestowed upon us:
As you all have long suspected, we're full of scrap, but it's honest scrap, so it's all good. As recipients of this fine award we are to 1. Thank the presenter (check) 2. List 10(ish) things about ourselves and 3. Give out 7 awards to other blogs (I modified this a bit)
Let's get this party started, I'll try to keep it as design related as possible.
1. I'm terrible at making decisions. I'll spend days trying to decide what type of toothpaste to buy. The indecision is more than a pesky inconvenience when trying to decorate my house. See, most of my inspiration photos look like this:
But then I'll see something like this and it will make me wonder if I should burn down my house and start over:
2. I'm currently in the middle of week 10 of P90X, which means that these are an active part of my bedroom decor:
3. This is one of my all-time favorite lights:
via if the lampshade fits
4. During my day job as a graphic designer, when a client gives me design carte blanche, my knee jerk reaction is always (always) to find a picture of an animal and slap an accessory on it. See the Zebra at the top of this page. I usually hold myself back.
5. One of my biggest pet peeves is staggered art:
Just hang those fuckers evenly, would ya? Stairs really aren't an exception. Clustered art is good, but also very different.
6. I am very claustrophobic. When staying in hotels I always request a room on the ground floor to avoid the treacherous elevator. No pine box for me, cremation, please (all family and friends have already received instruction on this matter). For this reason, I also prefer open spaces with lots of light:
7. I am addicted to This American Life. Ira Glass is my hero. I often fantasize about being interviewed for one of his episodes (You took HOW long to pick out the toothpaste? That's unbelievable. Laughs). You can listen to my all-time favorite episode HERE, my second favorite HERE (hello David Sedaris and Sarah Vowel fans) and another top-ten HERE
8. I love to haggle. There's always a better price, right?
9. I write my all my posts the night before they go live, which usually means I'm very tired and ready to go watch one of the reality shows I've DVR'd right around this point in the blog post. For that reason, I'm cutting it short at 9. 9 facts about me. 9 more than you ever wanted to know. 9. Done
Now for the awards:
I've decided not to give out awards to blogs. Not that I don't love 7 blogs (I love so many more, actually) I just don't want anyone to feel the pressure of a repost if they don't really want to. If you do want to, well then, just insert your blog name here ______________ and go on with your bad self. In the mean time, I'm giving out awards in general:
1. Laser Cat. Thank you for bringing me breakfast this morning, Laser. How did you know I was craving headless bird? You're the best cat a mommy could ask for. PS. Please don't do it again.
2. Fredda Perkins, mother of Jen Perkins. For single-handedly examining every Christmas item within the Round Top city limits. Mazel Tov, Fredda!
3. The month of September. Thank you, September, for bringing Austin much much needed rain, because of you, my yard stands a fighting chance.
4. AB, Pillow Mint, & Chromie. For the awesome guest posts you are about to bestow upon my dearest darling readers, I bequeath award #4 upon you. You rule the school.
5. Designers Brew and Raina. For strapping your little booties into airplane seats to meet a couple crazy bloggers in Texas for a long weekend of debauchery. I applaud your efforts and will reward you with Lone Star and shotguns upon arrival. (This is not a blog award, this is a people award, no reposts necessary)
6. Erin. For toughing it out at Round Top, spotting all the goodies I didn't see, and for balancing mommy-hood with top-notch blog posts. Way to go Erin Pants!
7. Me. I'm giving award #7 to me for working so hard this week. Good job buckling down and knocking things off your list left and right, girl. You deserve a vacation, how about Mexico?