Remember those seemingly empty promises I made months -- nay, YEARS -- ago of bringing the blog out of the dark age of muskets and horse drawn carts? Well, I finally put aside my fear of computers and public failure and done did it. Please, have a look around. Check out my new portfolio. You might find that five years' worth of posts are more accessible, or you might find that Rome is burning... after all, I built this city on a foundation of ignorance and hackery.
But isn't it pretty?
In all honesty I was motivated to clean up by my fancy cable television debut, which is scheduled for today. I couldn't have fame and fortune come knocking only to find me clothed in old skivvies, could I?
Speaking of my 15 minutes of fame, here is the only behind the scenes shot I managed during our whirlwind shooting session. It's called an OTS (over the shoulder) shot... I know that because I'm now a seasoned tv vet, yo.

Between Amy Hadley's perfect bone structure and Robbie the camera dude's gymmy guns, I'm convinced YNN is breeding a super race of extraordinarily handsome, ridiculously talented people. Thanks a lot for making the rest of us feel frumpy, YNN. Thanks.
Anyhow, the shoot was super fun although a little stressful, and I think maybe some of the enamel on my teeth is gone now. I am a boss behind the camera, but in front of it...??? Pretty sure I'm going to come off like a buck toothed double chinned know it all dummy. I probably should have grabbed some hay straw and started chewing it up like I was Minnie Pearl filming Hee Haw.
You may have guessed by now that I haven't seen the segments yet. That's because I don't have Time Warner (shaking my fist at ATT Pooverse right now). But I assure you I will You Tube that business -- buck teeth and all -- and post it asap even if I have to don my ninja duds and sneak into Time Warner myself.
So please do stand by in case I need a ride home from the police station. And if you are in Austin please tune into Time Warner's local news channel YNN to see my segment on House Proud.
Thanks for visiting!