Well, guys, you did it. I must say, I am mighty proud of you, I'm starting to wonder why I even bother coughing up this nonsense every other day when clearly you all find more and better things than one girl could ever hope for. In short: you all are awesome and you totally made my birthday. You dudes sent so many awesome horse links that I had to break this post right down the middle: you get half today and the rest on Thursday. So, what do you say, let's get part 1 of the horsey show-and-tell-birthday-party-started, yes? yes.

Oh, one more thing, because I love you all like my very own children and what sort of mother picks favorites, I am posting these in no particular order. Kisses!
This black beauty was a flickr find by our buddy across the pond, Nath. Usually recognized in these parts for her clever comments, Nath stands tall today for her outstanding achievement in horsey finding. Here are more of her flickr finds:

Nath found these blurry beauties trapped in the corner over at Danske's Flickr

She found these precious angels on Cryptia's Horse Set, as in, an entire set devoted to horses

Nath drove it home with this abstract gem from Esther Aart's flickr
.... which, kinda sorta reminded me of this 'spensive birthday treat:

Mama must have been really nice to Sherry, either that, or she wants me to put her damn bracelet in the mail, because this abstract little birthday horse requires an appointment for a private viewing just to see the dang thing. I can't believe they let the camera flash near it. Sherry must have written them a nice note on my behalf.

Sherry also sent me these psychedelic horsies to compliment the acid trip I was sure to partake in to celebrate the big 3-1. I have to say, I really wouldn't kick horse #2 out of my house, maybe just out of that frame. Believe it or not, these weren't the most bizarre horses to join the party

DC crush, and former blog post featured designer, Rachel Denny invited me on a fantastical trip to the circus. I was confused and therefore beyond delighted to find this little gem of a photo when clicking on her invitation.

Back in the land of abstract ponies, we have Woman on a Horse, a proud creature found by the queen of finding things, drollgirl. And with this, let's go ahead and start a horse sculpture party:

Camilla featured this drool-worthy crystal horse on her blog recently. I had finally calmed my head with nearly illegal amounts of smelling salts when both Erin (our erin) and Camilla resent the link, sending me back into a downward spiral of longing and desire.

If crystal ponies are just a hair out of your budget, might I suggest you go with something a little more understated. This driftwood horsey found by new blog friend, Guto, proves that waves and wood have a purpose after all.

Incase you can't dedicate your entire lawn to a horse sculpture (a confusing thought, but, whatever) you downsize to just the head as found by new blog buddy, Katie

Blog BFF Raina wins a badge of honor for wading her way deep within fields of Mooi lamps to bring me back this never-before-seen horse sculpture. I have lots of horse junk around my house, but I can attest to the fact that finding a singular piece with 3 horses is nearly impossible. It's like the white whale of horse tchotchkes.

To round out the sculpture section of the post, Cassie has hooked me up with a link to a horsey that I might actually be able to afford in my lifetime. These DIY horses come with step by step instructions here
And finally, to finish off part 1 of horsey time, a picture I've been crying my eyes out about since I was sent the link on Friday

I really and truly thought that Andrea was not only a blog friend, but a friend in real life as well. That was until she ripped my beating heart straight out of my chest by sending me a link to this sold out artwork. Ok, sold out in the size I can afford, which is almost worse. Dying, I tell you, dying!
Guess what guys! I've posted a gazillion pictures and we're only halfway there. Why? Because you dudes are awesome and sent me a ton of links. Come back by on Thursday and we'll view part 2, which, I must admit is beyond rad as it includes manymanymany badass horse-art-in-phenomenal-rooms-pics. See your sweet asses then.