I'm stretching the animal theme pretty thin here, but I decided to keep it going after I saw the sad news that Japanese artist Nagi Noda died last week at the tender age of 35. Girlfriend loved her some animals, so today I'll serve up a few of my favorite mammalian leftovers in her honor. Since DC readers are a savvy bunch, you may already be familiar with her fabulously bizarre hair hats:

(Pictures via Hemmy). I would never, ever wear those (makes my tender little head itch just to think of it), but I would definitely hang them on my walls! Especially the lion, because I love me some kitties.

That's my new baby purse I got at the thriftstore for $3. I shall wear it out to the bars and if some loser gets a little too shmoozy, my leonine pal growl will at him and tell him to back the bleep off. Hunny Bunny should take note of this new development in interpursonal relationships. He could learn some things.
Continuing with the fancy felines, I also think this pillow from Design Public is pretty swell:

Alack! He is sold out (and also the wrong color), but perhaps Ross Menuez will read my mind and make me a special black and white version? Pretty please with animal crackers on top?
Don't worry; I try not discriminate against other species. That would make me a speciesist, and homey don't play that. I would play with this, though:

How adorable is this bear shaped padlock? AND the heart shaped chain??? Thanks to Sweet Dreams Security, I want to lock every single orifice in my house with this lil' cutie. I also think it would make a super gangsta style necklace, don't you? (via If It's Hip, It's Here)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch I've been searching for some bathroom hooks to hang my necklaces on. I think these Trophy Hangers from Phil Cuttance would do me up righteous.

Thanks, Raina, for the link! I love these little critters AND they're budget friendly!
If you're looking for something large and in charge for your home, Julia Lohmann is happy to oblige:

These headless leather cow benches are so life like, they're even named. Meet Rosel, Belina, Raul, Eileen, Carla, Elsa, and Radia. I think Elsa -- or is that Belina? -- wants to come home with you. Oh, I don't know. Is it wrong of me to say that all cows look alike?
I simply couldn't *bear* to leave you without sharing this:

Procreation is a biological imperative, yes? Well, the folks at Pentagram Designs think you need to know more about the sex lives of animals, and if you agree, you can trot on over to the Museum of Sex in New York and educate thyself.
Well, go on. I won't tell, but I'm not going to do it for you.