As you may remember, last week I mentioned that I started a new gig. The new job I landed isn't actually that new at all, one of my very favorite clients who I have been doing graphic design for over the last 2 years is expanding (business is actually booming!) and has hired me on as their marketing manager, I will also be working with the owners to open new locations, read: use my finely tuned haggling skills to get them the best deals on vintage furnishings and contracting services. Perks of the job include: awesome bosses and the ability to continue working from home. Not to mention that we're about to move offices, which I do visit once a week and have big, unbeknownst to them, plans to decorate the hell out of.
Seeing as how the only piece of office furniture we have so far is one of these:

I think I'm off to a pretty good start. (and yes, the skee ball machine is for real and it is vintage).
Hopefully my new bosses will agree with me when I say that I would like to walk through these doors every time I show up to work:

Chandelier Creative via This aint no disco
Perhaps a close-up will hammer home the deal:

It makes my head hurt and my heart melt to think about what had to be done to create this grand entrance but I am willing to climb every mountain and ford every stream in order to get these mama-jammas into my working life.
Of course, what lies behind the doors is just as good:

I am loving every piece of this office, except maybe that questionable bowling ball dangerously placed in the middle of the room, and think it is totally reasonable for me to ask new bosses if I can have an exact replica of this space for my one-day-a-week visit. Don't you?

I think my coworkers will enjoy checking things off their to-do lists surrounded by these chairs and lovely Front Design Horse Lamp. We will be passing on the DIVA lettering, however.
If new bosses are looking for something more masculine (whatever) I will attempt to sell them on a space similar to this:

Oh! So stately! Way to go Household, you know I've always got your back when you start bringing the animal artwork. Let's tour the rest of their digs.

I think the most important thing to incorporate into a new office, other than a fully functioning skee ball machine, is a place to relax, tufted, please, as well as some handsome deer sketches.

And please believe me when I say I've already been cruising the web trying to decide which wall mural will go best in my new work space.
If new bosses ask me to tone in down a notch (could you imagine?!) I would probably request a humble set up such as this one:

Gunkelman Flesher via Desire to Inspire
Would you all like to help me decide what image I should have commissioned for my custom oil painting? I'm thinking about having my Laser Cat standing next to a faucet, she loves that.
If the oil painting puts us over our budget, I can probably save money by swapping out the desk and putting all of my old design magazines to use:

But I'm thinking this is a little impractical and I would most certainly give myself several years of bad luck by breaking the mirrored glass I would use for the top over and over again. yes. mirrored.

via This Aint No Disco
While I have never advocated the use of chalkboard paint, in this instance I really just love it (bye bye directors chair). I may even show up more than once a week to visit that bright orange desk.

Won't we all feel so important when we have our creative meetings here?

via This Aint No Disco
Perhaps I could convince New Bosses to knock out the roof so that I may build myself an office in the sky like the one above. On the condition that we get a little girl holding balloon painting, obv.
I will also be requesting this map and chair combo:

Oh! And I just noticed those green and gold chickens! I am so sold on this joint

And you know, I'm not having any problem at all imagining my 3 martini lunch on this couch.
Oh!! I can't wait for new bosses to see what they've gotten themselves into, they're going to be so happy!