Interior photography should be an olympic sport. There would be the sofa lifting component, the squatting competition, and the tensed muscles/breath holding element. Also, extremely pregnant ladies should automatically get a blue ribbon. I'm telling you this because I threw my back out whilst attempting a living room photo shoot, ostensibly to show off my new curtains.
Why would I choose the hardest room to shoot, praytell? I think we've already established that I am not always the most rational being. Ok, and I don't want to shoot the very nearly finished rooms until they're as close to done as possible, because I'm weird like that.
Meanwhile, the living room is never going to be done. It's huge, has a difficult layout, and is frequently inhabited by small people and their tiny but obnoxious plastic toys. Fixing this room will cost a zillion dollar billz -- largely spent on new seating, rugs, upholstery, built ins, and custom curtains. Oh, and I would also like a pile of money to swim in like Scrooge McDuck.
Just because.
Enough excuses. On with the show.

Hey, look at that -- I have new curtains.

They came from the West Elm outlet, $130 total for all four panels. They are silk. They are sheer. They are not overwhelming and I like that. I probably need to hang them higher but I'm not in any hurry to nag Ben into conquering that relatively piddly task.

Dear jeebus that chesterfield needs to get out of there... but it's so comfortable. Like sitting on your grandma's lap and listening to bedtime stories about the good old days, albeit with crumbs and jelly smeared all over your ass.

Here is the back end of the room that I never show because it's sorely under utilized and generally functions as a crap repository. You can see the unpainted hallway in the background... it's not papered because I may have miscalculated the amount of paper I need to cover the space. May = definitely.

Kind of embarrassing back wall. Someday the tv may go back here. Or not. Until then I am unwilling to invest more than a few bucks jazzing up this space. What do you think: New chair upholstery (it needs to be resprung anyway)? Or maybe paint the mirror? New lamps? Rug shakeup?
I don't know. Blank slate. I'm not planning to spend a lot of time worrying about it. I wish I could paint that wall a crazy color, but it would be weird with the other stuff going on around that space.
And there you have it. I just made myself totally depressed.
I am trying to remind myself that the room looks ever so much better than it did when we moved in less than a year ago:

In other news, Ike's room is totes cute but I might buy him a new bed... Also it is insanely dark in there until about 7:30, which is bedtime. Hence the lack of pictures that might make me feel better about myself.
Master bedroom is looking cozy but needs art and bedding. Hopefully these things will happen over the weekend.
Front room looking kinda awesome but needs pillows... I am eyeing these but so far have been too cheap to pull the trigger:

Baby nursery is finally coming along, but I now have an unopened roll of Thibaut's Cheetah wallpaper to sell:

I kept trying to make it work in there, but it felt like hammering a square peg into a round hole. Let me know if you want to buy it and I'll ship it to you.
And finally, all the onesies are washed and blankies are folded. So if Baby X decides to squirt out of ladytown any time soon I am "prepared."
As if.