Welcome back, me! After a long and lovely family visit, I'm easing into the daily routine. Which means that I'm still feeling a bit lazy. I'm looking forward to catching up with y'alluns, but first I would like to thank the fabulous Collyn of ModFruGal for sharing her amazing, inspiring home while I was away. If you were a naughty imp and you missed her home tour, catch it here.
Greetings and formalities are out of the way, so let's get down to bizness -- rug cruising.

Rug? Who? Wha? Yep, it's a little hard to see past the tongue, but there's a rug in there. Somewhere. Designed by Bartoli, the Rosetum is part of Nodus Rugs' enormous, eclectic rug collection. Featuring everything from the merely mundane to the beyond bizarre, Nodus stands at the forefront of the art rug movement.

Take, for example, this twist on the traditional by design duo Studio Job.

Perished Persian's pattern is formed by tiny interlocking forms.

This one's named Eros. Since we are a familyish blog (cough), I'm not going to zoom in on that.
Nodus does feature an array of more classic forms, like these fine specimens:

But their most interesting offerings seem to fly in the face of traditional warp and weft rugs.

And then there's this dude from the ever zany Brothers Campana. Computer: zoom in.