As you may know Erin is out of town and she's left me here all alone to Run the DC headquarters. Just to prove to her, as I have proven to all of you, that I am a big girl and can be trusted to stay home all by myself I'm totally going to stay up late, watch R rated movies, eat tons of sugar and possibly throw a party that ends with every object in the DCHQ painted (almost klien) blue. With all of these scheduled activities how can I possibly be expected to write an entire post about boring old design? Huh? Huh? So, I've decided that, in Erin's honor, I will dig up one of my favorite posts of hers from back in the day when Design Crisis was just a wee little baby inside it's mommy's tummy. Don't worry, I fully plan to wake up bright and early Friday morning from a mind blowing sugar crash surrounded by piles of glitter, empty cans of gold spray paint and artfully arranged photos of Michael Phelps 100% ready to bring you the best damn design post of your scene-loving-life. Until then, without further ado, I give you: Flock Watch, by Stacy (yep!) Erin Williamson
I heart sheep -- and especially their silky soft skins. I know, Peta is probably coming to splash my front door with faux blood, but I really can't help myself. I have, like, 500 (ok, two) of the Ikea sheepskin rugs covering suboptimal chairs, and I loooooove my Costco sheepskin rug. I used to have a flokati rug, but I couldn't vacuum it properly without fumes of burning rubber issuing forth from my workhorse machine, and shaking the stupid thing out usually induced a seismic allergy attack, magnitude 8.0. Yuck. Happily, my sheepskin rugs are a dream to clean, and they are so, so cuddly on my feet.
Yes, I love my pretty little pelts, but lately I've noticed sheepskin recalling its original form. Witness these stools from Sam Brown at Leigh Harmer:

These cute poofs would make a comfy landing spot for a guest when seating is limited, or perhaps as accessories in the little tot's playroom. I like the headless hybrid form and the juxtaposition of wood and fur.
Hanns-Peter Krafft's vintage design in current production at Moss moves closer to the zoological end of the animal/furniture spectrum:

His stool evokes the designs of amazingly brilliant husband/wife team Claude and Francois-Xavier Lalanne, who have spent much of their lives creating animal-themed furnishings and objets d'art. In particular, Francois' sixties-designed Moutons are enjoying a contemporary revival:

I am loving the life-sized sheep on abstracted "grass" carpet, and it helps that the chrome coffee table reminds me of a totally stylin' water trough! (Image courtesy of Topsy Turvy).
While Les Moutons are sheepishly cute and fuzzy in a stuffed animal kind of a way, a couple of newer designs may belong in the cabinet of curiosities. Check out this three-headed monster courtesy of freshome:

I don't know. I love me some taxidermy, but I'm not sure I want to sit on it. On the other hand, it's kind of awesome. I'm torn.
I feel less ambiguously repulsed by this meat chair, a gruesome creation of Italian artist Simone Racheli featured at Paola Maria Deanisi Gallery.

That's really the point, though, right? I definitely think of this one as art, designed to provoke a strong reaction, and on that level I find it to be extremely successful. And gross. And kind of mesmerizing.
I think I'd most like to have this fabulous lucite and sheepskin chair at Waazwiz, a Japanese design site:

Cozy yet cool, I need this one. No meat required.
See, wasn't that fun? Aren't you glad I slacked off like that? Don't you see why I LOVE animal furniture (and Erin)?