Weekend Warriors

Ahhhh, Monday -- it's like a vacation from the weekend. Seriously, I am burnt. Toasted. Saturday we frantically ran errands and car shopped all day (not fun). Sunday we painted until I thought I might die (also not fun). And for all that back breaking work, there was little sad little fruit of our difficult labors. We still have no car (anyone have a Rav4 and like it?), and I hate the paint I picked for the guest bedroom/office -- it looks like a band aid factory exploded onto a porn set. But we did get two things accomplished:

1) Cinco de Mayo.

I thought I had a bitchin video of Ike doing the Macarena with some awesome Mexican lady dancers, but apparently in my pregnant fugue state I forgot to press record. FAIL. Still, Cinco de Mayo was pretty fun (although margaritas would have made it funner).

2) Matt ripped out the ugly built in desk and we painted the kitchen.

Matt did SUCH AN AMAZING job removing the old built in behemoth and replacing the tiles underneath. You would never know it was ever there. Meanwhile, I got tired of painting swatches and decided to just pick something and go for it.

Y'all are going to think I swallowed a Guatemalan insanity pepper.

We will discuss tomorrow. Have your wits sharpened and pencils prepared.

I'm Not Dead Yet

I'm back from paradise, tanned (or ever so slightly less pasty) and relaxed (or perhaps at least vaguely less stressed out). Due to another crappy doctor's report the day before we were scheduled to fly out we really weren't sure we'd be able to go, but after much conferencing we hopped on a plane and I'm happy to report that the whole family survived the trip unscathed, even the fetus. My mom got married, we spent a lot of time by the pool, and everyone drank their weight in vodka. Except for me. Boo hiss. I'm having some issues re acclimating to the time zone, by which I mean that I would prefer to spend the entire day lazing in bed and catching up on tv, so don't expect any fabulous decor related news today (although I have been changing some stuff up, so expect many pleas for help later in the week). Mostly I just wanted to drop in and say, Hey -- I'm ok.

And also to point out that Ike is angling to become captain of the croquet world.

Fun times were had by all.

See you dudes tomorrow!

Meta Manifesto

Probably those of you who have been reading for years are a little worried about me. I mean, I used to write about trendy mctrendster things -- things irreverent young hipsters marched toward like lemmings off a cliff. Also I was in a very teak state of mind -- if it was mid mod, I bought it without question. I'm not sure what's happening to me, but I think it's called growing up. I'm working on expanding my repertoire and developing my own style, rather than glomming onto random shiny trinkets and hopefully assembling them into something passable (not that I won't continue to indulge in that heady pastime, albeit ccasionally). But I think maybe the world is a little different, too. With the downturn came a yearning for better days, and with that for well made objects that are crafted to last for generations -- or at least beyond the next overhyped, overpriced trend cycle. A bit of antiquarian nostalgia goes a long way though, so I also appreciate bold choices with color, art, and form that balance out all that stuffy stuff. Plus my twinsie pals brass and chrome never hurt anyone, now did they?

All I'm trying to say is: don't worry (too much) about me. I'm not going crazy cat lady on you. I won't hang fiberglass hotel pleated curtains and declare them "fantabulous!". I'm not planning to dedicate every nook and cranny to my burgeoning Capodimonte collection. And although my home is beginning to look like I'm opening a Persian rug store, I promise to mix it up with some youthful, arty choices. Because I'm not actually old. yet.

I am Erin, hear me roar.

Or perhaps at least meow very loudly, like a precocious kitten still practicing at sharpening her claws.

[image via Atlantis Home]